The Art of Creating

Art; watercolour pastels, by Diana Green, artist and author.
Copyright Diana Green 2020.

This article focuses on the heart and art of creating capabilities inspiring the human element, the human spirit in life and at work.

The Art of the creating is an approach to living life as an organic expression.

It is not necessarily a drawing of a ‘something’ to look like a something, it is actually that you make something that comes from within you when the *art medium (*the material, used by an artist,) meets with and is moved across the *support. (*base
being worked on).

It is not necessarily a rational thing or learnt as a set of techniques, it is not scripted, or a formula.  When our ‘Marks’ are formed from this place – new, different impression is revealed, here we create, without mind or intension.  At this point of connection, here from the inside out, we become the artist.

It is known, it is from heart. This is when we reveal our self, to our self.  It is not ambiguous, it is clear and formed as it emerges from the one doing. ”The Maker.”

Familiar marks come from nature.

In referring to the origin of ‘mark making’; our exposure to nature has shown us the marks of the wind on the lake or the sea, in the form of ripples or waves or spray; a crab forms it’s mark on the sand.

Our original marks are seen in caves or sand, these early indications are ways the human species bought marks to life and gave them meaning, form.

Once we see our marks form onto the support, the visual becomes a new way to communicate.  To be interpreted as a language without the written or spoken word.

These marks can be referred to as metaphor, to stimulate curiosity that leads to invention and meaning as a discovery is revealed by the maker’s mark of creating.

It is an opportunity to return to the ART of our inner world to find form and bring it into the world, into our awareness.

As the maker, creating re emerges to it’s place as an ‘ART’ in the 21st Century, it can become a representation for us to connect and discover a higher awareness of ourselves, from our inner world, as it evolves in emergence to the external world.   Where you integrate as the ARTIST, the maker, the doer.

This is a way we will find the authentic, from the inside out, as we emerge to know our capabilities to create.