The heart has no script

September 2017. Quote: B. Prior. You will need a subtle way of being able to hear this, other wise you will only hear from being a someone – with patterns that tell you what it is.

This post emerged following my practice of ‘The form’ movement.

The inner world does not have a script, at the heart there is no script, the darkness is all the inside “self”, which is not a “self”.

From the heart there is no need to grab and make meaning.

What is there, is a profound awareness knowing, this is where everything comes from. From the inside out, it is ‘no thing’ a ‘nothing’, ‘the heart without a script’.

As we merge to the outer world we come to it with it full, with things, many ‘things’ that we use to negotiate our way in the world outside. When we hear our inner chatter, these are patterns, this is the discourse we regularly have with our self and bring to the world, however the inner being at the heart has ‘no script’.

Most of the time we think the outer world is all that is, we can become confused by the onslaught of external stuff, it blinds and binds us in our belief, we make that real, coming to make it real knowledge or intuition but it is not the case.

Conflict arises from listening and hearing from these patterns.

It is the material in life- as we in a human form live and make sense of it.

It is our patterns – the messages and stories we have been told to help us sustain a self. It is here that we usually respond from and to, but it is not at or from the heart.

If living in a belief, of the chatter or noise, the voice telling us to live it from an outside world, we bring many descriptions to justify and continue its acceptance.

However, when we play and move from the depth, from the intensity of life, here is the opportunity to go to a ‘no thing’ – ‘no script’, a knowing.

When meeting our silence, from here ‘true’ knowing awareness, knowing of awareness forms – In that we have an awareness of the knowing.

It is from the inside out – beyond voice of the chatter, patterning, reflected by the outer world.

It is the silence from within that never had a script it just is, as it is.

In life, if reacting from the outside, we stay on the outer, where we operate from beliefs fearing to reach into ourselves. When we believe in the chatter, the noise of the patterns keeps us thinking we are secure.

This chatter maintains one plane that keeps us asleep in belief we are awake, it keeps us in our patterns.

When we begin to know as a being, as a human being, that the heart doesn’t have a script.

Then the inner, coming from the dark is joy, love, the heart, not to be feared as this is true place for the emergence of profound awareness, knowing that inner world, the ‘heart has no script’.

This post is from being beyond the sense of self to knowing from heart as a doorway and the belief from deeper seeing. Thank you B Prior for this pointing.

Aligning the Brush with the Heart series – ‘So, when you ‘make marks’ notice without the voice from the patterns, but from the sense and knowing of awareness – the cosmos form is the next opening’,  by Diana.