The Human Element

Art; watercolour pastels, by Diana Green, artist and author.
Copyright Diana Green 2020.

The ‘Human Element’ refers to the spoken and unspoken interpersonal issues, the human component, engaging individuals and groups to increase their effectiveness in working and playing together.   

Context: Many traditional organisations tended to successfully evolve because they were established to focus on providing a service, a value. As they grow, organizations scale up to cater for increased production and/or look for ways to increase efficiency. 

The structure is often set up to measure, justify, quantify and gauge from a return on investment perspective.

As a result, traditional organizations have emphasized productivity and efficiency over integrating creativity or an ability to innovate.  

As the digital and knowledge ages transcend into the age of creativity, traditional models may not serve requirements for the future. 

Currently the ‘heart’ is eliminated and as a result, a whole field of perception is neglected or limited. (In 1991, scientific research noted 40,000 specialized cells were recognized in the human heart. They are called sensory neuritis, they think, feel, sense and remember independently of the brain and have their own intelligence).  Reference; Gregg Braden.

There appears to be unrest and urgency to ‘wake up’, to transform traditional organisations through our Humane Element, being both thinking (mind), and feeling (heart/creation).  This becomes an opportunity to integrate ‘soft skills’ as a way to expand beyond the current mindset.

Discovering through our Human Element will bring about a different style or balance to organisations. It will re-form traditional business structures, in how we relate, engage and connect. 

When ‘Humane Integration’ occurs, a “healthy mindset” is likely to be cultivated.  Shifting into a “healthy mindset” is like refocusing our lenses to see, connect and intuit from a different perspective.

Learning how to create at work as “Humane Integrated’ leaders, managers and employees will rely upon humans to be conscious of ‘heart intelligence’ synthesized with the brain.  This is the next step to benefit organisations who intend to remain in business through the 21st Century.        

Our role at Visionled Global as a thought provocateur, catalyst and facilitator is to point you to both mind (thinking) and heart (creation). ‘Humane Integration’. 

Due to COVID-19 our programs and workshops are cancelled. One to one conversations will commence via Skype in July 2020.

Cancelled until further notice. The Fabric of Awareness, – a personal and professional discovery immersion LAB commences on Wednesday evening 29th May, in Tokyo. 

For further details on one to one conversations with Diana