The Mark you Make.

Art; watercolour & pencil, by Diana Green, artist and author. 
Copyright Diana Green 2020.

Marks seem like a structure but they have their own life. Painting as a language.

Transform your narratives, these create future possibilities.

The Mark you Make forms a narrative, an indication, an entry to a story.

The Mark you Make is like a finger print. Unique. Unique Marks connect, the surface breathes. Breathe from the inside, out.

Doing things differently, this is what it is. Create your way forward this is all it is. It is your Mark to Make. It is the journey we make as it is presented to us. After all, the unfamiliar is made familiar by our heart.

Knowing how to form the mark comes from our inner connection with ‘being’ a human being, to create, relies upon us humans to be conscious of ‘heart intelligence’ synthesized with the brain.  This is the next step to benefit organisations who intend to remain in business through the 21st Century.  

Are you ready to discover your personal and professional New Leadership and New Competencies in context with the massive human transformation occurring across our planet?    

Our role at Visionled Global as a thought provocateur, catalyst and facilitator is to point you to both mind (thinking) and heart (creation).

One to One, Personal and Professional Discovery integrative sessions, with Diana, will commence via Skype in July 2020. For further details please visit or to book an introduction call.

Due to the shift occurring across the planet, the DoT, Group sessions, Fabric of Awareness and workshops will recommence in 2021. Updates will be posted.